miercuri, 20 ianuarie 2010


Ce este prietenia?
M-am gandit sa scriu acest articol deoarece m-am certat putin cu prietena mea cea mai buna.Eu de obicei sunt impulsiva si mai scot cate o prostie in fata cui nu trebuie.Ea stie acest lucru,dar lumea din jurul nostru nu prea intelege prietenia noastra si asa am inceput sa ma gandesc la cuvantul PRIETENIE.
Abraham Lincoln zicea ca "Un prieten este cineva care are aceeasi dusmani ca si tine".Si asta e adevarat,dar eu cred ca un prieten inseamna mult mai mult.Un prieten este langa tine cand ai probleme, un prieten adevarat te intelege si te face sa iti dai seama ca tu esti cel care a gresit intr-o anumita situatie,fara sa-ti reproseze nimic.Iti atrage atentia cand ai facut ceva gresit,ca sa stii data viitoare sa nu mai repeti aceeasi greseala.
Fiecare gresim,dar daca nu avem pe cineva langa noi care sa ne spuna ca poate nu trebuia sa reactionam asa,probabil cei din jurul nostru ne-ar lasa in continuare sa mergem pe calea proasta.
Un prieten te cunoaste cel mai bine,stie cand esti vesel,cand esti suparat,cand esti indragostit,este alaturi de tine cand suferi din dragoste sau cand ai luat o nota proasta sau pur si simplu este acolo exact cand ai cea mai mare nevoie de cineva,ca sa iti zica o vorba buna.Acesta este lucrul cel mai important.
Eu cred ca prietenia este cel mai important lucru din viata unui om.Fara prieteni,am fi singuri pe lumea asta.Fiecare avem o familie,dar avem nevoie si de prieteni.Anumite lucruri pot fi discutate numai cu niste prieteni adevarati.
Dupa cate am auzit si am vazut in jurul meu,mi-am dat seama ca un prieten adevarat il gasesti foarte greu.Multi se lauda ca sunt prieteni adevarati sau ca au prieteni adevarati,dar cand ai nevoie de ajutorul lor,nu pot face nimic pt tine sau nu pot nici macar sa iti dea un sfat bun.Din fericire,eu am gasit acea prietena adevarata si nu am de gand sa o pierd pt niste vorbe spuse la intamplare ( de acum inainte,o sa ma controlez) sau pt niste persoane care ne invidiaza.
O prietenie adevarata este sincera, trece peste toate obstacolele, nu se bazeaza pe ce zic anumite persoane rau-intentionate si, mai ales, o prietenie adevarata poate dura toata viata.

this is for you ;) :* :* :x:x:X:X

The time is now or never, to fit the missing piece
To take this on together, you make me feel complete
We fall into the future, and through the looking glass
The light shines over our heads, and so it comes to pass

To go beyond the surface, to reach into your soul
This love is not demanding, my heart has told me so
I hold onto my heroes, with faith enough to fly
The power to imagine, will keep this love alive

Let’s make the headlines, loud and true
I wanna tell the world I’m giving it all to you
Let’s make the headlines, loud and clear
The best things suddenly happen when you are here
And if I lost my way you’d carry me home
Take me all the way to heaven, never leave me alone (everything)
And it’s just like everything matters when you are near (matters when you’re near)

And it feels so good every bells gonna ring
Your love is alive and it’s making me sing
I could fly, wanna cry, want the whole world to know
We are together, come on baby let’s go

And words yet to be spoken
Will fall upon the page
Spelling out true devotion
Is all we need to say

Let’s make the headlines, loud and true
(Say you love me and I’ll say I love you too)
I wanna tell the world I’m giving it all to you
(Just remember what simple words can do)
Let’s make the headlines, loud and clear
(All that I have I give to you my friend)
The best things suddenly happen when you are here
(Just remember friendship never ends)
And if I lost my way you’d carry me home
Take me all the way to heaven, never leave me alone (everything)
And it’s just like everything matters when you are near (matters when you’re near)
(Say you love me and I’ll say I love you too)

Let’s make the headline true this time
(Just remember what simple words can do)
There’s no hiding from this magical state of mind
(I feel loved with you, I feel loved with you)
And if I lost my way you’d carry me home (I know, you take me, all the way to heaven)
Take me all the way to heaven, never leave me alone (everything)
And it’s just like everything matters when you are near (matters when you’re near)
(Everything matters, it really matters)

Lets make the headlines, loud and true
(I feel loved with you, I feel loved)
Lets make the headlines

‘Cause I’m giving it all
Yeah I’m giving ït all to you

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